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Three young people are smiling whilst holding balloon swords


The dedicated Wellbeing Team includes Wellbeing Coordinators and Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) covering both Primary and Secondary School. 

The team offers support for individual students and small groups in areas such as friendship, anger management and self-esteem. The team enjoys organising whole school events to promote the importance of looking after our own wellbeing. Recently these events have included wellbeing walks and a climbing wall. There are rooms available during the day for students to have some time out if they are feeling overwhelmed. 

The team are trained to recognise and refer to other professionals for specialist support if required, for example DeafCAMHS. We also work closely with a local charity who provides an independent Counsellor who comes into school once a week.

Need to speak to someone in Wellbeing?

You may have a problem or worry you want to share, or you might be feeling worried or anxious, but you don’t know why and would like to talk about it. You can contact the Wellbeing team and they will arrange to have a chat. The Wellbeing team are very good at listening to any worries you may have and advising how best Mary Hare could support.