School Uniform Policy and Guidance
If you are in any doubt about what is/is not permitted, please check with the school beforehand. Mary Hare School is a ‘uniformed’ school. Therefore, there is a clear expectation that pupils attending Mary Hare School will wear the full uniform, will wear it appropriately and that this expectation will be supported by parents.
Uniform is worn by pupils from Reception Year to Year 11. A dress code operates for Sixth Form students.
Primary burgundy sweatshirts/cardigans need to be purchased via the Primary School Office. PE Kit can be purchased from Hawkinsport. All uniform supplies for secondary school pupils can be purchased from Hawkinsport but parents are free to go other suitable suppliers.
Primary School Uniform
Children attending our Primary School wear a uniform that is practical and also gives them a sense of belonging. It is practical and comfortable and makes pupils feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance and financial circumstances.

Primary Uniform
White Polo Shirt
Grey trousers/shorts or grey skirt/skort/pinafore; or red/white checked summer school dress (summer)
Burgundy v-neck sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
Black school shoes/sensible black ankle boots (no trainers)
White/black/grey socks or grey/black tights
Primary PE Kit
Navy PE shorts/cycling shorts/joggers (plain, no logos)
Royal blue PE T-shirt
Navy PE hoodie with school logo
Trainers and white sports socks
Named drawstring PE bag
Outside clothing
Waterproof jacket or winter coat
Other information
Jewellery is not permitted, except a watch and a single pair of small, plain stud earrings. If ears are pierced, pupils must remove earrings for PE and swimming.
Make up and nail varnish must not be worn.
Long hair must be tied back. No extreme hair styles are allowed. Hair must not be dyed an unnatural colour. No patterns, letters or similar should be shaved in hair. Large bows in hair should be avoided.
No temporary tattoos are allowed.
All belongings must be named
Our Secondary School Uniform
• Promotes a sense of pride in the school
• Gives a feeling of community and belonging
• Is practical and smart
• Identifies the children within the school
• Is not distracting in class (as fashion clothes might be)
• Makes pupils feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance and financial circumstances
• Is regarded as suitable and good value for money, by most parents

Uniform information
Girl's Uniform
• School blazer
• White shirt (only plain white t-shirts or vests can be
worn under shirts).
• School black v-neck jumper or cardigan
• School tie in House colours (these can be
purchased from the school office)
• Dark grey knee length skirts or black or grey
trousers (not fitted, leggings, jeggings or jeans)
• Shoes, which should be sensible, smart and black
including the soles (not trainers, canvas shoes or
• White / black or grey socks / plain tights (flesh
coloured, grey or black.)
• You can wear a coat over or instead of your blazer
• The Mary Hare hoodies replace school tracksuits
and are not an alternative to the black jumper.
Girl's Jewellery
You are only allowed:
• 1 small stud in one/both ears
• 1 fine neckchain. (tucked away)
• A watch
This may need to be removed for certain lessons at the
teachers discretion.
You can wear a plain coloured headband or clips in navy
blue and black
Makeup and Nail Varnish
• Year 7 and 8: You are not allowed to wear makeup
or nail varnish.
• Year 9: Mascara can be worn – discrete business like.
• Year 10 and 11: Makeup should be subtle and
business like. Nail polish can be worn but must be
applied properly to look smart.
Boy's Uniform
• School blazer
• White shirt (only plain white t shirts or vests can be worn under shirts).
• School black v-neck jumpers
• School tie in House colours (these can be purchased from the school office)
• Black or grey trousers
• Shoes which should be sensible, smart and black including the soles
(not trainers, canvas shoes or boots)
• Socks must be grey or black.
• You can wear a coat over or instead of your blazer outside.
• The Mary Hare hoodies replace school tracksuits and are not an alternative to the black jumper.
Boy's Jewellery
You are only allowed:
• 1 small stud in one/both ears
• 1 fine neck chain (tucked away)
• A watch
PE Kit
Please purchase from your local sports shop
• A plain dark swimsuit
• Plain dark trunks or swimming shorts
• Goggles
• A swimming hat
• Gum shield
• Shinpads
• 3 pairs of plain white ankle socks
• Plain navy tracksuit bottoms
• Plain navy blue “football” shorts
• Plain navy blue hockey socks
• A royal blue polo shirt with Mary Hare badge
for games
• A Mary Hare hooded top for games
• Studded football boots for football/hockey
• Outdoor trainers
• Indoor trainers – preferably white, with
non-marking soles
6th Form Dress Code
We look to our Sixth Form students to behave positively and politely at all times, and we also expect them to look smart as part of a professional environment. In line with their growing maturity, we like
6th form students to have a little independence in what they choose to wear, so we have a dress code instead of a uniform. When choosing their clothes, they must remember they are role models to younger students and therefore should consider the impression they are giving to younger pupils and visitors who are looking around the school. Our expectations are:
- Clothes that are freshly laundered
- Clothes that are appropriately for a school environment with young children. (For example, no crop tops, short skirts, or low tops.)
Sixth Form Games
All Sixth Formers choose from a wide range of activities and are expected to wear appropriate sportswear. For example: no vest tops are allowed and if you play football, and you will need suitable football boots and shin pads. You will also need a swimming costume for swimming lessons and swimming sessions after school.
A list of specialist uniform for some vocational subjects can be provided.