Course details
A Level Mathematics involves the study of Pure Mathematics with Statistics and Mechanics.
For the first unit of Pure Core 1, much of the initial work will look reassuringly familiar as it revises a number of the Higher GCSE topics such as equations of straight lines, solving simultaneous equations, solving quadratic equations, graph sketching, surds, as well as introducing new topics such as Differentiation and Integration and their use in problem solving.
The later Pure Maths Units look at the sin, cos and tan functions in more detail; investigate more interesting graphs; use logarithms to solve problems involving exponential growth/decay such as radio-active decay, credit card bills or problems caused by the lack of birth control in a colony of hamsters!
In the Statistics unit, again some of the work will overlap with GCSE initially but you will go on to solve problems such as: what percentage of the population is taller than 1.90m? Can people really tell the difference between coke and diet coke?
The Mechanics unit looks at solving problems in the real world such as a safe height for a child’s slide; what happens in collisions; what angle and speed you need to project a ball to score.
Entry requirements
You will need a Grade 6 or above with good algebra skills.
Course assessment
AS Level:
• Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics (2 hours)
• Paper 2: Combined paper on Statistics and Mechanics (1 hour 15 minutes)
The AS results are a stand-alone exam and do not count towards the final A Level.
In order to progress to the full A Level you will need to gain a grade A-E in the AS exam.
A Level:
• 3x 2 hour exams; two on Pure Mathematics and one combined on Statistics and Mechanics.