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Land Based Studies

This course is ideal for students interested in gaining the skills needed to work in construction in an outside venue. A wide range of units are covered
on the programme to cover Carpentry, Joinery, skills, repairs to outdoor structures and pathways, Health and safety, and outdoor wood/woodland

There is a large practical element to the course; much of it is spent in the grounds working with materials. You will learn how to use a variety of tools and equipment and you will also access the woodland at Mary Hare School.

Course details

The course begins with an introduction to the course and venues ensuring that students feel confident working in them before starting their coursework. 

Students will undertake construction and maintenance of structures.

The students help with looking after the woodland and school site and may make items that can be sold to help fund the programme.

Students will be provided with polo shirts and sweatshirts to wear for practical work and PPE for outside working. They will require steel toe cap boots.

Entry requirements
You should have completed your GCSE courses and taken the examinations. You must be 16 years of age.

Course assessment
This course offers various options in terms of the number of units undertaken and the resulting qualification which can be tailored to individual students.

There is some theory work, a few tests and a lot of practical work.

The teachers will explain what is required in terms of evidence for each of the units. All students are required to do written assessments in addition to their
practical work.

The teacher will take photos and videos of practical work that will be submitted to the exam board as evidence towards the tasks completed.