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Further Mathematics

Course details

The Year 12 units go ‘wider’ rather than much harder than the Mathematics A Level and you will be able to study new areas such as complex numbers, matrices and 3D lines and planes.

The Year 13 pure units of the course are harder but well within the grasp of an able mathematics student and are excellent preparation for a university mathematical or scientific course or career.

As well as explanations of new topics, much of the lesson time will be spent in discussions of problems. The group is usually quite small (2 or 3 students) which gives you the opportunity for a great deal of individual teacher support. There are some very good IT resources for the Further Mathematics units to support both lessons and self-study.

Entry requirements
You will need a Grade 6 or above, along with very good algebra skills. Students will also need to be studying A Level Mathematics.

Course assessment.
A Level:

This will be assessed with four exams in the summer of Year 13. 

There will be four 1 hour 30 minute papers covering:
• Pure maths (x2)
• The third and fourth papers following the applied topics chosen, most likely to be Further Pure and Mechanics.