Autumn 1
Year 10
Component 1: Darkroom skills
Safety in the darkroom
Pinhole cameras
35mm film cameras
Developing black and white film
Creating prints from film
Year 11
Component 1: Themed project: Identity, Colour or My environment
Pupils are given three possible starting points: Identity, Colour or My environment. Possible artists suggestions are also provided. Pupils choose their area of focus and direction of their project. Pupils will choose their own artists to study, and create their own responses inspired by their ideas.
Autumn 2
Year 10
Component 1: Digital photography skills
Shutter speed
Light painting
Year 11
Component 1: Themed project: Identity, Colour or My environment
Pupils’ project work is developed further, as they look to combine ideas from their chosen photographers together and create their own original work. This will lead up to a final piece that represents the end point of their project.
Spring 1
Year 10
Component 1: Composition
The rule of thirds
Leading lines
Angles and perspective
The formal elements (Line, pattern, shape, tone, texture, colour, space)
Year 11
Component 2: Externally set assignment
Pupils are given the externally set assignment paper from the exam board. In this there are several starting points, with suggested artists and photographers for each. Pupils choose their area of focus and direction of their project. Pupils will choose their own artists to study, and create their own responses inspired by their ideas.
Spring 2
Year 10
Component 1: Themed project: Movement
Pupils use ‘movement’ as a starting point to explore how this is shown in photography. Pupils are guided through research and responses to the following artists:
Eadweard Muybridge
Etienne Jules Marey
Alexey Titarenko
Mariano Kamp
Henri Cartier Bresson
These artists are studied, and pupils create their own responses based on their ideas and techniques.
Year 11
Component 2: Externally set assignment
Pupils’ project work is developed further, as they look to combine ideas from their chosen artists and create their own original work. At the end of the preparation period, pupils will sit a two-day practical controlled assessment. During this time, pupils may create a final piece that represents the end point of their project.
Summer 1
Year 10
Component 1: Themed project: Movement
Pupils consider their own area of movement they to explore further, possible examples include:
Sports photography
Dance photography
Movement in portrait
Moving water
Pupils will choose their own artists to study, and create their own responses inspired by their ideas.
Year 11
Component 2: Externally set assignment
Controlled ‘exam’ period.
Summer 2
Year 10
Component 1: Themed project: Movement
Pupils look to combine ideas from their chosen photographers together and create their own original work. This will lead up to a final piece that represents the end point of their project.